Sunday, December 23, 2012

One Pin at a time

I am slowing working on completing some of my many Pinterest pins and here are a few!
I saw this idea done on paper and decided it would be fun to make it into shirts.  Aria and her cousin Jordin had lots of fun making these and they loved having their hands painted!!!
 With Christmas just around the corner I decided to make some salt dough ornaments with Aria. I was going to make lots of hand print ornaments but she's growing like a weed and her handprints are huge so we made 2 and cut out lots of other ornaments with Dad's help!  Aria loved cutting them out but her placement on the dough needs some work as some poor gingerbread men ended up with  no legs and arms :).I used this Salt dough recipe but I dryed them twice as I didn't feel they were fully dried after 4hrs.
 Aria gets very serious when painting

 Need little paint cups? I use the numerous medicine cups I have collected over time! They are perfect for little hands!!
Some of our painted ornaments!  Once they are dry I'm going to spray a clear sealant on them to finish them up!
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