Saturday, January 14, 2012

-17F....not a typo

Yup that's right...-17F...super duper cold. You may be asking yourself, "Sarah, don't you live in Alaska? Isn't it always cold there? Don't you live in an igloo?"
Yes I do live in Ak, BUT it's not usually this cold here in these parts....if I live in Fairbanks or McGrath...we wouldn't be having this theoretical discussion(its really really really really cold there)...but I'm telling you it's cold! And no I don't live in an igloo...hehehehe
So after that fest of whining, I need to show you a reason I put up with the cold. The following pictures are from the dog park we gorgeous right?
The flat, meadowish part is actually a lake, frozen over. It adds a lot  more room to run for the dogs.

Now, mind you these are phone pictures...not the highest quality, but not to shabby for my non-iphone:)

I don't think it can get much better than this in the winter...well maybe a few degrees warmer...but you get the point.

Me...awful picture, but see my hair is frozen! I was only out for about 35minutes at this point. My eyelashes were starting to frost too:)
I know the Midwest and western Canada are getting snow...finally...does your area look like Narnia too?

Happy Snow!


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